Item BS19 – Men’s Haircut by Lisa T in Kirkwood

 » Gorgeous Beauty and Spa » Beauty » Item BS19 – Men’s Haircut by Lisa T in Kirkwood
Item BS19 - Men's Haircut by Lisa T in Kirkwood
Please note: This auction is under proxy bidding.
Ended at: 310 days 4 hours 3 minutes 10 seconds ago
$500 USD

This auction has been sold to KevinandKelly at $5.00 USD.
This will be a nice treat for your spouse -- or, yourself.  Try a new stylist and a new do.  Lisa T is super and located in the heart of Kirkwood.  This gift card is for a men's haircut with Lisa. Here's what a recent customer had to say:  Lisa is great.  She knows what you want and does a great job with men's hair.